Terri Kim

I was so shocked to hear the news last Thursday afternoon – just a few minutes after I emailed Chandra without knowing what happened. It is still difficult to believe that she passed away. I am so devastated. She was an amazing, distinguished colleague, whom I greatly admire and respect as a person as well as a great scholar. Her untimely death is a great loss.

In commemoration of Chandra, I am sharing my Facebook link and the UCL website, which capture her brilliance:

(i) Chandra as Respondent to Professor Michael Ignatieff’s lecture: ‘The Refugee as the Invasive Other’ – https://www.facebook.com/terri.kim/posts/10155352962893939?hc_location=ufi

(ii) Chandra’s excellent keynote, ‘Engaging with truth claims and the pursuit of justice’ at the Professor Jagdish Gundara Memorial Symposium: Global Challenges to Social Justice and the Future of Intercultural Education in honour of Professor Jagdish Gundara (1938-2016) – https://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Play/11488

RIP. With my heartfelt thoughts and deepest condolences,

Terri Kim